Learn To Play Roller Derby
Crash Course
No Experience Necessary (Formerly known as Boot Camp)
When is the next Crash Course session?
Dates: Fall 2024 (after Labor Day)
Practice Days: TBD
Length: 18-week program
Cost: $220 (due in two installments) *Scholarships potentially available
Where does crash course take place?
Summer Outdoor Venue:
Buhr Park Ice Arena - Ann Arbor, MI
2751 Packard St, Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Winter Indoor Venue:
Crash Course (formally our Boot Camp program) is an 18-week program consisting of practices specifically devoted to helping our newest members become safe and knowledgeable about the sport. The program focuses on all of the fundamental skills needed to play roller derby and how to play the sport in a safe manner. Some of the skills include things from basic skating, backwards skating, transitions, and even how to fall to more derby specific skills like endurance, lateral movement, blocking, and hitting. No matter what your level of ability is (from never being on skates to someone trying to do things better and faster) we have a place for you.
The ultimate purpose of Crash Course is to prepare you for the skills needed to be successful and safe playing roller derby. In the process, boot camp also builds bonds between newer skaters and more experienced ones while at the same time teaching nifty roller skating skills. Each new “wave” of skaters will have their own unique number and theme. Crash Course skaters can keep in touch over a private Slack group and are welcome to officiate at scrimmage practices after Crash Course.
What do I need?
In order to participate on skates in any capacity, all skaters must have the following gear:
quad skates
knee and elbow pads
wrist guards
mouth guard (we recommend SISU mouthguards)
You may purchase new gear or use used gear. Our sponsor Anime to Skateboards is located in Southgate and is a great one-stop shop place for all derby needs. It is highly recommended to go into a store and try on the gear to ensure a secure fit of all safety gear. We also have a list of gently-used gear sold by current league members.
If you are interested in joining Ann Arbor Roller Derby as a skater, email us at recruitment@a2rollerderby.com to get more information.